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With this title, your mind is sure to start thinking – how could a doll possibly take the place of your girlfriend? What kind of rubbish is this, how can a toy be human? Don’t worry, you too will start to believe that sex dolls are actually much better than girlfriends for some of our strong reasons. Let us break through all your confusion and head straight to these reasons.
Real life sex dolls that don’t have any genes for emotional drama – many of you may hear married or biracial men say “it’s hard to understand what a woman wants or thinks”? Yes, knowing a girl’s heart and mind is actually different. Not even God could predict what she would do next. Â They can come up with millions of plays far beyond your imagination. Unlike them, sex dolls do not retain this emotionally dramatic character. They are always quiet and nice to you.
Sex dolls will never betray you – many guys dream of having this beautiful lady as his girlfriend so he can show her off in front of friends or colleagues, but that’s unlikely to happen in a reality check. right? Because you know that the sexier the girl, the more likely she will betray you one day. It’s such a cruel thing for someone so attached. Sex dolls don’t do this to you. They belong to you and will obey you.
Sex dolls can never get pregnant – even with precautions, no one can guarantee the chance of pregnancy. In the packaging of preventive measures like condoms, it is clearly mentioned that it does not guarantee 100% protection. So, if you don’t want to have kids but don’t want to damage your sexuality, a silicone sex doll is the best because she’s always ready to take more monsters from you without getting pregnant.
Sex dolls never say no to you – it’s been observed that most girls won’t enjoy oral and anal sex, but strictly say no to her man. For someone whose fantasies revolve around wild sex, this is the most disappointing moment. At the end of the day, the man may have to masturbate. Offside, doesn’t the word “no” exist in the sex doll dictionary? Whether you want her to do oral sex or put your dick in her anal hole, she will be more than happy to do it all for you.
Hopefully now you’re a little bit clearer about your confusion and ready to make a decision – should you continue to be naughty with your real girlfriend or with a sex doll girlfriend. Your heart is beating you for the love sex doll, right? So, listen to them and they will advise you on the most correct options to fill the space for the right girl in your life.


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