Height | Bust | Waist | Hip | Leg Length | Foot Length | Arm Length | Hand Length |
165.5cm (As Model) | 90cm | 70cm | 91cm | 90cm | 23cm | 53cm | 16cm |
Good to know before purchase:
1. Different monitors might influence the display of colors.
2. Slight errors might exist in manual measurement.
3. The “As Model” doll will be identical to that on our website, including the same head and measurements. If you order another size, the doll that you receive will have the same head and the size that you choose. Check the above table for more details about different sizes.
Presents: Wig, Random Clothes, Gloves, Cleaner, Heating Rod.
Jordan Z –
It’s does not often happen that your purchase is better than expected. This is one of those times! A big thank you to MILF for their rapid answers to all my questions.