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(Popularity Rate: 45 ) How would you feel if your partner cheated on you with a sex doll?

ferent rules for what is and isn’t cheating, depending on their rules.
It’s not possible to have a sex with a sex doll. Sex requires another person(s) engaging in a sexual act Irontechdollwith you. Using a sex toy (sex dolls are sex toys) for sexual pleasure is known as masturbating.
If the rules of your relationship have in them that your partner cannot masturbate with a sex toy and they do so, that would be breaking the rules. That’s a rather silly rule but whatever works for you. My partner(s) are not capable of cheating on me with a sex doll because I have no such rule that they cannot masturbate with sex toys. Even if I wasn’t polyamorous, I wouldn’t consider that cheating. So my feelings would be that I hope they had fun. If someone is so insecure that they consider masturbating with a sex toy cheating, I would highly suggest therapy for them and that they not enter into any relationships un

(Popularity Rate: 39 ) What are some quality places to shop for sex toys?

rties if you’re old enough to remember those.
You can search online for your closest saleswoman and either order online from sex dolls dallas her store or host a party with your friends.
Personally, I prefer these experiences to visiting an actual brick and Male Sex Dollsmortar shop because those tend to make me feel super awkward. It’s somehow less weird when you and your friends outnumber the saleslady! Ha.
Plus, then it’s a party atmosphere so the whole thing seems a little more lighthearted amd fun.
If you’d like more info, simply use google or check out my blog p

(Popularity Rate: 56 ) At what point (of AI development) does a sex robot cease to become a toy and begin to be considered a partner?

Today I want to present a moral question, but some of this post may be perceived as crass. I assure you, however, that it contributes to the moral quandary, and is not merely intended to shock or disgust.
If however you are looking for a straight-forward answer to this question, scroll down to the last section.
What do you think of a sextoy laying around the house, in public view? It’s probably not ideal, but it’s not wholly inappropriate—particularly when “in public viewâ€?only denotes potential accessibility/viewability as realistically there is no one coming over. If you are a recluse, you might as well have all the walls of the living room adorned with the most shocking or aesthetically pleasing sextoys in the world.
What if it’s a single sextoy, in proximity to children? There are no labels warning not to keep sextoys around children. If any threat is to be perceived at all, it is merely a moral threat, as the sextoy poses no real danger to the child. If the child is young enough, it wouldn’t even know what they are looking at, and they may not even notice the sextoy in plain sight.
What if the child is older—old enough to understand what a sextoy is for? Here we begin to enter inappropriate theory.
And what if the toy is of a larger size? Does that have any bearing on how inappropriate it is?
And what if the sextoy is dad’s? Gender shouldn’t have any bearing on the appropriateness—or lack thereof—of the situation, but somehow it does. Mom’s sextoys are taken to be part of womanhood, while dad’s sextoys are taken to mean a myriad of less favorable things—in part depending on what kind of sextoy we are speaking of. But let’s not delve into a discussion about sex differences and gender identity.
The underlying question here is, should a sextoy be confined to the bedroom? Or let’s imbue some judgment for effect, and rephrase it like, “A sextoy should be confined to the bedroom, don’t you think?â€?We will get back to that later.
Human-like sextoy
We now live in a time where sextoys are produced that take on the form of humans—so-called ‘Real Dollsâ€?
First I wonder, is there a difference in inappropriateness in finding dad’s Real Doll compared to mom’s dildo? Or what about dad’s Real Doll compared to dad’s buttplug? Is it of any consideration what the sextoy is for, and/or what is done with/to it when it comes to evaluating the level of inappropriateness? Or is the size of the sextoy of consideration? Or the money spent on it? Or the time spent with it? I think all of these questions have a bearing on how inappropriate such a sextoy in public view and proximity to children is. But hold on to these questions for now.
Dad’s human-like sextoy
Finding dad’s Real Doll in the living room will certainly bring up questions the first time around. Whether dad had sex with it last night will likely influence how inappropriate its presence in the living room is, too. Is the presence of an unused Real Doll more inappropriate than the presence of an unused Fleshlight? What about used ones? Hold on to these thoughts.
Sextoy with AI
Now not only are we producing life-like sextoys in the form of Real Dolls, but they are becoming equipped with AI to increase how human-like they are. This will likely lead to even more moral considerations. In fact this is where things become interesting.
Some of these Real Dolls with AI are now presented as more than merely a sextoy. And indeed, to the owners they often were more than just a sextoy—even without AI. They are often perceived as romantic partners of sorts. See for example the movie Lars and the Real Girl
. This is often perceived as pathetic, but I think there is beauty in it too; flesh or synthetics, why is one partner necessarily less, or more indicative of the failings of her/his partner/owner? I’m hesitant to say owner because there is ambiguity in whether the Real Doll ought to be perceived as a puppet or a partner, though most would likely insist on the former at this point. But the introduction and technological advances of AI will cause a transition from puppet to partner—from sextoy to being.
Part of the family
Even without AI, Real Dolls were presented to be more than mere sextoys, but now that they are being equipped with AI, they are starting to become part of the household. Some Real Dolls with AI are said to have a “family settingâ€? and that they “do well with the kidsâ€? As a result people have shown confusion, disgust, and concern.
Is it okay for dad’s sextoy to “cosy up with the kidsâ€? And what if dad’s sperm from last night is still inside the doll? I know it’s vulgar, but hold on to that thought as well.
A sextoy should be confined to the bedroom, don’t you think?
The last paragraph amused me, because we just saw the same judgmental question return—more pressing than before—and yet we are about to enter a dilemma which may render the question nonsensical, or lacking in specificity. But it’s hard to avoid the moral dilemma we are about to face.
Before we get there though, let me repeat a few questions I asked before, and add one more. Is the size of the sextoy of consideration when it comes to evaluating (in)appropriateness? Or the money spent on it? Or the time spent with it? Or the intelligence it possesses?
Suppose technology of AI is so advanced that “Real Dollsâ€?are effectively rendered beings in every sense of the word—if not human. And in any case, outwardly and behaviorally they would be indistinguishable from real human beings. Is this Real Doll still a sextoy, or a genuine partner? Is it inappropriate to let her “cosy up with the kidsâ€?
Where then, in between the Real Dolls without AI or rudimentary AI and beings indistinguishable from humans, does it cease to be inappropriate to “leave it outâ€? or to refer to the Live Doll as “itâ€? At what point on this transition is a sextoy no longer a sextoy, and instead a true being? Funny to imagine though—a sextoy evolving into a being. I guess either way—whether natural or technological—sex is involved.
Is it of any consideration what you do with/to your partner when it comes to evaluating the level of inappropriateness of that partner? Is their size sex dolls dallas of consideration? Or the money you spent on/with your partner? Or the time spent with your partner? I don’t think any of these questions have a bearing on how inappropriate your partner is in public view and proximity to children.
At what point are the questions I asked you to hold on to rendered invalid?
I wonder at what level of intelligence and functioning it would be appropriate for a Real Doll with AI to leave the bedroom—to no longer be rendered a sextoy.
The reverse of course is very crass—to consider at what level of intelligence and functioning a mother and partner (not AI) shouldn’t be leaving the bedroom.
The philosophical and moral considerations of these situation juxtaposed amuses me though.
The answer
To answer the question—well, I don’t think there is a definite answer to the question. It will be a smooth transition from sextoy to partner, and at least initially there will be disagreement on whether this AI constitutes a mere sextoy specifically designed for a person’s pleasure, or a genuine partner, who brings pleasure and happiness into someone’s life just like any natural human would.
During these advancements in AI, I would think that increasingly they will be seen as true entities, but it will probably not be a discrete moment when this happens—when Real Dolls cease to be sextoys and are wholle accepted as—or become—true Beings. Not unless there is some kind of revolution of identity which radically changes public perceptions of these notions. But just maybe a revolution of sorts will occur at the moment AIs are perceived to exhibit genuine empathy, pain, sorrow, and whatever “humanâ€?attribute we come to identify ourselves with, and/or shake our moral foundation to a degree that “machinesâ€?will be included in our moral and ethical considerations.
There likely will become a distinction—possibly also in terms of class—between natural humans and synthetic humans, but at some point of sophistication of AI we are likely going to be urged to at least acknowledge their huma

(Popularity Rate: 66 ) What is a silicone doll?

my sexual tastes and expecting people toâ€?oh wait…I totally fucking do.
Men who have sex with silicone dolls, feel free to talk to me about why you do that and why it gets you off. I’m down to hear about why that’s your thing (in the comments of this answer and no other answer and certainly not my private messages on any website).
That offer ends as soon as you start saying things about how silicone sex dolls are better than the alternative human option in any aspect other than physical or mental sexual gratification.
I’m totally down with the idea that silicone sex dolls feel better than a hand or mouth or ass or cunt. Totally down with that. After all, my silicone dildo feels way better than a hand or dick.
I’m totally down with the idea that fucking a silicone sex doll is more mentally arousing than fucking a person. I can dig that. Pretending to be a sex doll is one of my favourite fetishes so I totally get that.
I’m totally down with the idea that a silicone sex doll is a better investment of your resources because honestly you just want to fuck something that isn’t your hand and you’d rather spend money on a toy than time and energy and money on a person. I can appreciate efficient resource allocation.
What I am not totally down with is the implication that silicone sex dolls are better than people because people won’t let you fuck them and that makes you angry and bitter. A silicone sex doll is a thing. A person is a person. To quote Annika Peacock, people are better than things.
But other than that I have nothing to say. Oh but if you’re tired of silicone and just want a person who will pretend to be a dollâ€?(For the love of god I swear by all things hol

(Popularity Rate: 55 )

t I also think that sometimes I have gone too far in this process. That’s why I want to give up leadership in bed. It’s time I was punished for all the things I did to those poor men. Do you want to punish me? My horny B-cup tits captivate, my desire openings hard with your gorgeous member or spoil with sex toys? I deserve the full package!”, ‘Professionally, I am a trained photographer. I am very good at my job and have already won one or two awards for my successful pictures. It would certainly be fun if we both did a sexy photo shoot together. In my free time, I not only enjoy riding men, but also horses. Preferably wild horses, where I can take the lead and have to teach them.’, “I simply like to take the lead in every situation in life. But maybe you are more dominant than me and manage to put me in my place. I also like to read a good book every now and then with a glass of red wine, if my time allows. So, I’m also a good conversationalist if I don’t have to wear a gag with you.”, ”, “I’d like you to absolve me of my sins and spank my luscious”, ‘real doll’, “ass, maybe with a paddle, the palm of your hand or would you rather swing the whip? Whatever yo

(Popularity Rate: 95 ) Why do certain cultures only see women as breeding animals, sex toys and property?

longer logical now.
Breeding animals
If you look at basically any other mammal, their herds/prides/packs usually consist of a breeding male and many breeding females. This is because a male contributes very little time to creating offspring, while a female contributes a lot of time and effort. To maximize offspring output, you need way more females than males.
For example, in humans, a female’s gestational period is 9 months. After that, she’s probably “out of commission” for a while while she raises her offspring. Meanwhile, the male could still be breeding. In a group of one female and five males, the offspring output is 1 offspring every 10 months and only 2 people’s genes get passed on. In a group of five females and one male, the offspring output is 5 offspring ever 10 months and everyone’s genes get passed on. 500% better!
If you don’t think about the ethics of treating people as “breeders” and not autonomous human beings with their own sexual and romantic desires, it is logical to have groups of 1 male and many females.
Other stuff
Once you establish that it makes “logical sense” to have groups of 1 male and many females, the power balance shifts towards the males and all the other nasty stuff happens. If the females are always busy being pregnant or child-rearing, the male is going to have to take care of everyone, making him “more important” than the females. This is how the women start being viewed as property instead of people. And the sex toy stuff just follows.
Property-wise, if a female is a way for a male to pass on his genes, trading females becomes a form of currency, while males are individuals. Hence the wife-buying stuff that still exists in some cultures and the preference towards male children. Having a daughter means she’s eventually goin


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